Qu'est-ce que would've could've should've ?

"Would've could've should've" is a phrase that combines the contraction of "would have," "could have," and "should have." These are all forms of the verb "to have" used in combination with the past participle of another verb.

The phrase is used to express regret about actions or decisions that were not taken in the past. It implies that the person speaking now wishes they had done things differently or made different choices. It is often used when reflecting on missed opportunities or mistakes made in the past.

For example, if someone says, "I would've studied harder for the exam," they are saying that they regret not putting more effort into their studying and believe that they would have achieved a better result if they had.

Similarly, if someone says, "I could've taken that job offer," they are expressing regret that they didn't seize the opportunity and are acknowledging that they had the capability or possibility to do so.

Lastly, if someone says, "I should've listened to my friend's advice," they are admitting that they made a mistake by not following their friend's guidance and now recognize that they would have been better off if they had.

Overall, "would've could've should've" is a colloquial phrase that highlights hindsight regret and the desire for different outcomes in the past.